A company that makes high-quality wooden toys in Aki city, Kochi pref, Japan. The company's logo features a whale swimming in the beautiful land surrounded by mountains and the ocean. The company asked us to create a statue of the whale, the symbol of the company, as a deity.
1. 意匠決定〜荒彫り Design to Arabori (rough-hewn stage)

2. 内刳り Uchiguri : hollow out of the interior of a statue
Hollow out the inside to prevent drying cracks and reduce weight.
Hollow out the inside to prevent drying cracks and reduce weight.
3. 玉眼嵌入 Gyokugan kannyū : insert crystal eyes into a statue
The crystal eyes are inlaid in the same way as in Buddhist statues.
For the eye color, a subdued color was chosen from among more than 10 candidates. In fact, there was some concern that it might be a little too subdued, but when combined with the quartz crystal (produced in Yamanashi Prefecture), the light stood out against the subdued blue, creating a coloring that reminded us of the Pacific Ocean and the sky, rather befitting a land surrounded by mountains and the ocean.
For the eye color, a subdued color was chosen from among more than 10 candidates. In fact, there was some concern that it might be a little too subdued, but when combined with the quartz crystal (produced in Yamanashi Prefecture), the light stood out against the subdued blue, creating a coloring that reminded us of the Pacific Ocean and the sky, rather befitting a land surrounded by mountains and the ocean.

4. 願文を納入〜仕上げ : Store a piece of paper with their wishes inside a statue and finish
The ink is by 福原曉雲(Fukuhara Gyōun).He is a calligrapher from Kochi Pref.

5. 完成 : Completion

Now, The Whale God is enshrined in a renovated samurai residence.

I believe that the Whale God statue as a local deity will watch over the people of the Yamanokujira-sya and all those who pick up the toys and goods made by the workshop, as well as the living of the land for a long time to come.
Thank you for your watching !!