愛染明王坐像(Aizen Myō-ō Zazō) 2013年
Seated Ragaraja(Sanskrit)
像高 7寸
ヒノキ材, 寄木造り,玉眼
木彫 吉田安成
彩色・截金 並木秀俊
ht 21cm
Japanese cypress sculpture in yosegi-zukuri style, "Gyoku-Gan" eyes
Carved by Yasumasa Yoshida
Painted and decorated with Kirikane by Hidetoshi Namiki
Photo by Chisei Tada
Aizen Myō-ō channels sensuality and sublimates desire into the drive toward enlightenment.

Aizen Myō-ō has six arms that hold the iconic objects of esoteric Buddhism. Eyes made of crystal were inserted into the eye sockets of a wooden Buddhist statue in order to give the most realistic impression.

Aizen Myō-ō wears a crown resembling a lion's head.

Clothes are decorated with the Kirikane technique. This method provides Buddhist statues with a degree of splendor.

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