不動明王坐像(Fudō Myō-ō Zazō) 2015年
Seated Acalanātha,Wisdom King
像高 7寸
木彫 吉田安成
彩色・截金 並木秀俊
撮影 多田知生
ht 21cm
Japanese cypress sculpture in yosegi-zukuri style, "Gyoku-Gan" eyes
Carved by Yasumasa Yoshida
Painted and decorated by Hidetoshi Namiki
Photo by Chisei Tada
In Esoteric Buddhism in Japan, the Fudō Myō-ō serves as the messenger of Dainichi Nyorai and encourages steadfastness in Buddhist adherents.

"Gyoku-gan" is a traditional method for fashioning the eyes of a wooden Buddhist statue using crystal stones.

This pedestal is called 瑟瑟座(Shitsu Shitsu za) .

Fudō Myō-ō wields a sword called "Hō-ken" in his right hand. It represents wisdom conquering ignorance. Fudōson combats the three poisons — greed, anger, and ignorance — to save us from their threat.

Fudo Myō-ō holds a rope called "Kensaku" in his left hand in order to lasso demons, thereby protecting humans who have fallen from being totally overcome by their evil.

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