空海 坐像 (Sitting KŪ-KAI) 2018年
像高 31.0cm
木彫 吉田安成
撮影 多田知生
ht 31.0cm
Japanese cypress sculpture in yosegi-zukuri style, "Gyoku-gan" eyes
Gyoku-gan (a traditional method of fashioning the eyes of a wooden Buddhist statue using crystal stones)
Carved by Yasumasa Yoshida
Photo by Chisei Tada
KŪ-KAI (a.k.a. Kōbō Daishi, 774-835) is one of the great teachers of Buddhism in Japan. He visited China during the Tang dynasty to study Esoteric Buddhism. After returning to Japan, he established the Shingon school(真言宗)and developed a comprehensive teaching and training system.

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